Činč - CD Polyphonic Poetry (2006.)

Amorfon, Tokio, 2006.

Đorđe Ilić - akustička gitara, glas, bas
Luka Stanisavljević - bas, glas, akustična i električna gitara, doboši, matrice
Irena Vanić - glas
Srđan Stojanović - violina, glas, drombulja.

Aranžmani: Činč
Snimljeno u studiju "Fabrika", 2005. Snimatelj: Nebojša Simeunović.

Cinc Plug

Reči i Muzika: Đorđe Ilić / Luka Stanisavljević

This is your Cinc plug,
Two wires lead into it.
One malign
And the other benign.

From the white wire (benign)
You hear harmony divine.

From the blue wire (malign)
You hear trouble
And pain
And grief
And fear
And cry.

These wires go together,
If you remove or ignore
Either one or another
Your Cinc plug won't work anymore.

Unfold the cover,
To see them from inside,
To feel them from inside,
All the frightfulness
And all the beauty.

You must touch them both
At the same time,
To get electrocuted...


Reči i muzika: Đorđe Ilić

Oh, very intensive taste
very intensive taste

Any of all these tastes
any of all these plums
there are consist of trees
there are consist of space

What is behind the glass?
Was ist behind?
Jam is behind the glass
Jam is behind.

Any of all these spoons
With them you’ll eat some tunes
Reichel, was macht du?
Music is what I do.

Don’t know much about history
Don’t know much about biology

Snimanje albuma Polyphonic poetry


Prvi deo je iz Poèmes divers Šarla Bodlera (1821-1867). U srednjem delu se nabrajaju standardni izrazi iz karatea.
Muzika: Luka Stanisavljević

N'est-ce pas qu'il est doux, maintenant que nous sommes
Fatigués et flétris comme les autres hommes,
De chercher quelquefois à l'Orient lointain
Si nous voyons encore les rougeurs du matin,

Et, quand nous avançons dans la rude carrière,
D'écouter les échos qui chantent en arrière
Et les chuchotements de ces jeunes amours
Que le Seigneur a mis au début de nos jours?

Fudo dachi, Heisoku dachi, Zenkutsu dachi, Kokutsu dachi,
Kiba dachi, Kosa dachi, Neko-ashi dachi,
Oi tsuki, Gyaku tsuki, Choku tsuki, Kagi tsuki,
Ura tsuki, Yama tsuki, Soto Shuto Uchi,
Mae geri, Yoko geri, Mawashi geri, Ushiro geri,
Tobi geri, Hiza geri, Mikazuki geri,
Age uke, Gedan uke, Haishu uke, Morote uke,
Empi uke, Kakiwaki uke, Uchi ude uke


Reči i muzika: Đorđe Ilić

Do you feel chaos, chaos?
Do you feel nonsense?
Do you know the name of the chaos?
Understand it's - nonsense.

Is it star - female icon?
No it's just"Charlie".
Where's my roof, where's my house?
Now they've gone - out.
Do you feel chaos, chaos?
Romans say: "Ciao".

Do you feel chaos, chaos?
Do you feel nonsense?
Do you know the name of the chaos?
Yes I think it's "Charlie".
No, my friend, no it isn't,
Now his name is "Francis".
Is it street, is it river?
No it's iust "Ivan".
Is it boat or is it car-race?
No it's sweet "Jennie".
After all- big mess, bad place
You can see - "Lisa".

Do you feel chaos, chaos?
Do you feel nonsense?
Do you know the name of the chaos?
Romans say: "Ciao".
Romans say: "Ciao".

An Luna

Reči: Johan Volfgang fon Gete (1749-1832)
Muzika: Đorđe Ilić / Luka Stanisavljević

Schwester von dem ersten Licht,
Bild der Zärtlichkeit in Trauer!
Nebel schwimmt mit Silberschauer
Um dein reizendes Gesicht;
Deines leisen Fußes Lauf
Weckt aus tagverschloßnen Höhlen
Traurig abgeschiedne Seelen,
Mich und nächt'ge Vögel auf.
Forschend übersieht dein Blick
Eine großgemeßne Weite.
Hebe mich an deine Seite!
Gib der Schwärmerei dies Glück!
Und in wollustvoller Ruh'
Säh der weitverschlagne Ritter
Durch das gläserne Gegitter
Seines Mädchens Nächten zu.
Des Beschauens holdes Glück
Mildert solcher Ferne Qualen;
Und ich sammle deine Strahlen,
Und ich schärfe meinen Blick.
Hell und heller wird es schon
Um die unverhüllten Glieder,
Und nun zieht sie mich hernieder,
Wie dich einst Endymion.


Reči: Karel Hinek Maha (1810-1836)
Muzika: Luka Stanisavljević

Byl pozdní večer – první máj –
večerní máj – byl lásky čas.
Hrdliččin zval ku lásce hlas,
kde borový zaváněl háj.
O lásce šeptal tichý mech;
květoucí strom lhal lásky žel,
svou lásku slavík růži pěl,
růžinu jevil vonný vzdech.
Jezero hladké v křovích stinných
zvučelo temně tajný bol,
břeh je objímal kol a kol;
a slunce jasná světů jiných
bloudila blankytnými pásky,
planoucí tam co slzy lásky.


Pesma Toma Vejmena (1945). Muzika: Đorđe Ilić / Luka Stanisavljević

After a while the body doesn't want to work. When the alarm clock rings in the morning the body refuses to get up. "You go to work if you're so keen," it says. "Me, I'm going back to sleep."

I have to nudge it in the ribs to get it out of bed. If I had my way I'd just leave you here, I tell it as it stands blinking. But I need you to carry your end of the load. I take the body into the bathroom intending to start the day as usual with a healthy dump. But the body refuses to perform.
Come on, come on, I say between my teeth. Produce, damn you. It's getting late. "Listen, this is all your idea," the body says. "If you want some turds so badly you provide 'em. I'd just as soon be back in bed."

I give up, flush, wash and go make breakfast. Pretty soon I'm at work. All goes smoothly enough until the first break. I open my lunchpail and start to munch on some cookies and milk.

"Cut that out," the body says, burping loudly. "It's only a couple of hours since breakfast. And two hours from this will be lunch, and two hours after that will be the afternoon break. I'm not a machine you can force-feed every two hours. And it was the same yesterday, too...." I hurriedly stuff an apple in its mouth to shut it up.

By four o'clock the body is tired and even more surly. It will hardly speak to me as I drive home. I bathe it, let it lounge around. After supper it regains some of its good spirits. But as soon as I get ready for bed it starts to make trouble. Look, I tell it, I've explained this over and over. I know it's only ten o'clock but we have to be up in eight hours. If you don't get enough rest, you'll be dragging around all day tomorrow again, cranky and irritable.

"I don't care," the body says. "It's too early. When do I get to have any fun? If you want to sleep go right ahead. I'm going to lie here wide awake until I feel good and ready to pass out."

It is hours before I manage to convince it to fall asleep. And only a few hours after that the alarm clock sounds again. "Must be for you," the body murmurs. "You answer it." The body rolls over. Furious, and without saying a word, I grab one of its feet and begin to yank it toward the edge of the bed.

Ballade des povres housseurs

Pesma Fransoa Vijona (1431 - posle 1463). Muzika: Luka Stanisavljević

On parle des champs labourer,
De porter chaulme contre vent,
Et aussi de se marier
A femme qui tance souvent;
De moyne de povre couvent,
De gens qui vont souvent sur mer;
De ceulx qui vont les bleds semer,
Et de celluy qui l'asne maine;
Mais, a trestout considérer,
Povres housseurs ont assez peine.

A petis enfans gouverner,
Dieu sçait se c'est esbatement!
De gens d'armes doit-on parler?
De faire leur commandement?
De servir Malchus chauldement?
De servir dames et aymer?
De guerrier et bouhourder
Et de jouster a la quintaine?
Mais, a trestout considérer,
Povres housseurs ont assez peine.

Ce n'est que jeu de bled soyer,
Et de prez faulcher, vrayement;
Ne d'orge battre, ne vanner,
Ne de plaider en Parlement;
A danger emprunter argent;
A maignans leurs poisles mener;
Et a charretiers desjeuner,
Et de jeusner la quarantaine;
Mais, a trestout considérer,
Povres housseurs ont assez peine.

Deux point

Reči i muzika: Đorđe Ilić

Dear sweet eat "sweet" every day
You should try to taste a "sweet"
What day is it today?
It's thursday may
Oo-o tell me what a year..

What a day!
What a year!
Thursday may!
Very well.

Taste a soup please-anyway
You should try to taste a soup.
May 15th again, so nice and well
Sunny day and wedding day.

Kakav dan!
Kakav stan!
Kakav blam! (Un point!)
Deux point!


Odlomak iz XIII poglavlja romana "Gargantua" Fransoa Rablea (1494-1553). Muzika: Luka Stanisavljević

Escoutez que dict nostre retraict au fianteurs:

Ton lard
S' espart
Sus nous.
Le feu de sainct Antoine te ard:
Sy tous
Tes trous
Tu ne torche avant ton depart.

La canción para Relajación

Reči i muzika: Đorđe Ilić

Esto es una cancion nueva
Esto es tuya cancion.
Buenos dias Darja.
Buenos dias chica.
Esto es una cancion
La cancion para relajacion.

Como estas Darja?
Como estas chica?
Como esta Lola?
Esto es nuestra cancion
la cancion para relajacon
Como esta Beckam?
Como esta Owen?
Como esta Eto?
Como esta Deco?
Como esta Nesta?
Como esta Toti?
Esto es nuestra cancion
La cancion para relajacon.

Respire profundamente Darja.
Respire profundamente Lola.
Roberto ha preparado las ejercicios
Las ejercicos para relajacion.

Un gran saludo Darja!
Un gran saludo chica!
Un gran saludo Lola!
Un gran saludo Beckam!
Un gran saludo Owen!
Un gran saludo Eto!
Un gran saludo Deco!
Un gran saludo Nesta!
Un gran saludo Toti!
Un gran saludo Kimi!
Un gran saludo Mixi!
Esto es nuestra cancion
La cancion para relajacion.

Sadness of potential Vegetables

Iz kolekcije "Tuga" (1993) grupe Škart. Prevod na engleski: David Albahari. Muzika: Luka Stanisavljević

Sow them
(grow them.)

It’s sad
What is not allowed to sprout.

Zdravo Papiću

Reči i muzika: Luka Stanisavljević

Zdravo Nemci, zdravo Danci,
Zdravo Finci, zdravo Španci,
Zdravo Poljaci, zdravo Česi.

Zdravo lenji, zdravo radni,
Zdravo vredni, jeste gladni?
Imam kiflice u kesi.

Kad vas gledam tako ja
Na novom stadionu Lacija
Mislim se, kakva instalacija...

Zdravo skele po kućama
Zdravo šetači s kučkama
Zdravo prodavci žutih sokni
Zdravo farbači masnih cokli

Zdravo šute pred ulazima
Zdravo patofne pred vratima
Zdravo prazne gajbe piva
Nismo ga pili satima

Zdravo deco, zdravo odrasli
Zdravo čisti, zdravo masni
Zdravo novi, sveži podaci
Zdravo svima, zdravo i tebi, Papiću

Zdravo leci za put do Malte
Zdravo plakati za kurce palce
Zdravo slojevi Bazoke
Kome ste ispale, banknote?

Zdravo ženo, zdravo majko
Dačeš mi dževrek pečen jako
Zdravo bako, zdravo sestro
Dačeš mi produženo ekspreso

Zdravo deco, zdravo odrasli...

Zdravo, učesnici pete opšte međugradske
ovozemaljske belosvetske konference
Želim najpre da pozdravim ovo radno TEEELOOO!
Ove učene glave, ove sposobne, mlade, lepe žene
Kad vas gledam tako ja
setim se kad sam bio mlad i ja
kad nam je učiteljka Vaja govorila:

Zdravo lepi Katiću
Zdravo pedantni Ćatiću
Nisi se umio, Protiću
Grizo si nokte, Žotiću
Gde ti je kapa, Lukiću?
Gde ti je glava, Mutiću?
Obrij se Miliću, štucuj se Gojkoviću
Ne valja Iliću...

Zdravo deco, zdravo odrasli...


Reči i muzika: Đorđe Ilić

Ovo je - sasvim sve
Dovoljno - buđenje
Tišina već počinje
112 je - ista ko pre
Velika u očima.

Ovo je - sasvim sve
Dovoljno - buđenje
Dastin zna, ne zna, šta zna
Šta znam ja... Ne znam... šta znam.

Ovo je - divan dan
Senka od - drveta
To Dastin zna, to znam i ja
Šta Dastin zna, šta znam to ja?

Au, kako brlja ovaj Epštajn.
Kako lupa ovaj Ajnštajn.
Pojma nema ovaj Ejzenštajn.
Šta bre hoće ovaj Betoven?
Ne može to tako
Treba neko da mu kaže
Ne može se piše se misa bez:

Kyrie, rex genitor ingenite, vera essentia, eleyson.
Kyrie, luminis fons rerumque conditor, eleyson...

Ovo je - sasvim sve
Dovoljno - buđenje
Tišina već počinje
112 je - ista ko pre
Velika u noćima.

Dastin zna, ne zna, šta zna.
Šta znam ja? Ne znam, šta znam?
Hofman zna, ne zna, šta zna.
Šta znam ja? Ne znam, šta znam?

Au, kako ružan ovaj Utreht.
Kakav fudbal nudi Anderleht?
Pojma nema ovaj Bertold Breht..